Team Assessment:
More than just recruiting quizzes, Flint & Steel's online employee screening tools integrate structured interviewing with psychometric profiling. They are ideal for recruitment, selection and for assessing your team strengths and weaknesses.
By adding Flint & Steel's screening tools to your companies team development efforts, leaders and managers can more effectively help team members to leverage each others strengths when working together to accomplish mission critical tasks. Contact our professional consultants to ssessment today. |
Selection tools:
Pre-employment assessment tools for Predicting Performance: Take the guess work out of the hiring process. Accurtatly predict performance, job-fit and team-fit before you hire. Focus your interview on the right questions. Put science and advanced statistical methods in your hiring, training and development decisions. Job specific, validated assessment tools are suitable for employee recruiting and selection, succession planning, leadership development, career management, training and development and coaching. Contact our professional consultants and assessment today. |